Northampton Classica 3000 steel door

These are Northampton Classica 3000 steel doors. The doors are from Amarr and are walnut which has a nice rustic look to them yet still modern as well. Although these doors have a look as though they open to the side, they are an overhead door. They are an insulated steel door. The top section of this doors windows are called Thames, by Amarr. It is with single clear glass. The handles are a nice added feature for appearance and are Canterbury 10 1/2 handles. All our doors are installed with Perimeter weather stripping if needed. This is used to keep the seal flush around the perimeter of the door to the door sides as well as the ground. If your floor is not sit evenly on sides or the bottom, we also will scribe the door. This will ensure a proper fit and seal. Below is a slide shot of Before and after which shows how much of a difference the new door makes.