Operator Failure Due to Relay Overload on Twenty Year Old Garage Door Motor
Garage Door Motor Failed to Open with Relay Burned Out

After the case has been removed from the operator. You can see the logic board has scoring visible on the back of the printed circuit board.

Relay Issuee which caused the logic board to failure during operation. This issue is a serious one and will result in the operator not being usable. The age of this operator puts the customer in a position of replacement. This logic board that has burned / damaged components is expensive to fix. The relay / diode failure is common when it comes to power shortages.

Nice side profile view of the LiftMaster 8355 Belt Drive Operator. This operator has the WiFi features as well as the HomeLink / MyQ integrations. You can rest assured when you have this operator installed that your garage door will operator when requested.

Old Python Operators photo eye sensors. This old sensor will have to be removed and replaced with a updated LiftMaster photo eye sensor.

Old wall station that is used to operator your garage door. This wall station is apart of the python series of garage door motors. This wall station will need to be replaced before the new LiftMaster motor will be able to be activated from the wall.

New Photo eye sensor that has been replaced. This sensor is for the new LiftMaster Operator that will keep the door running in safe setting.