Failed Camper Tow Hookup Caused Camper to Smash into Garage Door in Delta
Failed Camper Tow Hookup Caused Camper to Smash into Garage Door in Delta

Before the garage door dismantling has started. You can see the camper is in a perfect position to roll back into the garage door.

View of the camper in a position where you can see it rolling back into the garage. That is exactly what happened. The wheels are calked with a 4×4 but before this the 4×4 wasn’t there. The camper slipped off the tow hook and rolled into the homeowners house / garage door.

Before garage door has been disassembled. You can see the heavy damage this wall let go when the camper slid into the garage. The homeowner was super lucky to not have more damage.

Garage door damaged heavily from camper. The spring assembly is still loaded and this door is quite dangerous in it’s current state. You can see the bottom sections rollers are not in the track anymore and this will cause lots of grief as the door is ready to just collapse.

View of the wall damage and the drum assembly that is popping out of the wall. You can see the wall studd that the door is framed with has totally split.

Bottom section of garage door that has been hit by the rolling camper. The wood door will need to be replaced and framing done before the homeowner can think about raising the door without any kind of issue.

After garage door has been removed successfully. The door looks all clean and ready for framing / reinforcement. The homeowner has already ordered a new replacement door and will have it at our most earliest time possible.

After main garage door and assembly has been removed. Now that the door has been removed you can see the heavy damage and framing that will be required. With the door now down everybody can see what is needed to be done in a safe way. Before the door was removed the area was very dangerous.