Pickup Arm Re-positioned and Trolley End Bracket Adjusted in Burnaby
Pickup Arm Re-positioned and Trolley End Bracket Adjusted in Burnaby

Re-positioned Pickup arm that has been moved to a position so that the windowed section does not have any extra stress on the narrow style position. This is a critical repositioning that will assure that the door will last the test of time.

Trolley end bracket reposition and painted. This slight adjust will make the trolley not slide along the top of the ceiling. This adjustment is critical for the homeowner to not have any stresses.

The gouging of the ceiling from the trolley top bracket being mounted to high. This repair is essential for the door to be smooth and damage free.

After the bracket has been painted and repositioning along the wall. This is a beautiful looking repair compared to the damage that was occurring from the bracket being in the wrong position.