Cable Replaced and Track Repair in Vancouver
Cables that have been damaged. These cables are the old ones that have been replaced with new ones. You can look closely and see the wires frayed on the edge of the eye of the cable. This is serious. You do not want a cable to break when the door is in operation.
View of cable that has been freshly installed on the garage door assemble. You can see the shiny silver coloring of the new wire.
Cables that have been removed from the garage door and showing the damage that has occurred to the cable from lifting / lowering operations. You can see the Eye of the Cable “Loop” has frayed wires. If you see any wires frayed on your cables please call us so we can repair your garage door. Call 604-940-8918 and we can schedule a repair truck to fix your garage door.
Track that has serious bends in the track. You can see the lower part of the track that has been bent from the door. This bend will cause damage to your wall and your door if not repaired.
Closer view of the track bend. This needs to be repaired. You can see the wall damage that has begun to appear along the wall.
Track that has been repaired. This is a nice clear repair of the bent track.