Tight Track Binding Garage Door in Richmond
Tight Track Binding Garage Door in Richmond

Track showing a little rubbing along wall facia. This is a common occurrence if there is moisture in the air. Facia commonly expands during rainy seasons. This expansion will cause a garage door to rub and stall along the wall during a lift or close.

Picture showing angle of cable that is not quite vertical. when the cable is not wrapping around the drum straight then you will get a cable sound that is quite loud. This adjustment is a technical one. If you see your door is making sounds that don’t sound normal then please call us and we can make adjustments. Call 604-940-8918

Adjusted end drum that aligned the cable properly so there is no extreme angle during the lift. you can see the angle on the cable is not as large as the original view.

after Track adjustment you can see that there is a gap now along the track and the bottom fixture. This is a solution for noise and metal on metal scratching.

Before track is adjusted, you will see the door is binding along top portion of track. This track adjustment is a common one.