Old Stanley Garage Door Operator Replaced with LiftMaster Belt Drive in Vancouver
Stanley Garage Door Operator Replaced with LiftMaster Belt Drive in Vancouver

Old Door bell style garage door activation button. This is a non modern view of a old wall button. Modern control buttons have locking features and advanced control options that old Stanley operators never had.

Modern Wireless Control panel with Advanced keypad features. LiftMaster keypads offer a wide spectrum of after market products that can be controlled from the keypad as well as the garage door.

Before safety sensors are added to the old garage door. Safety sensors are required in homes with motors that are newer than 1992. 1993 a Law was passed requiring all safety sensors to be installed with new garage door operators.

New Safety Sensor added to the garage door. You will benefit from safety sensors when you are least expecting it. Safety sensors will prevent damage from happening to your car or family members that are in harms way.

After install of new garage door motor as a replacement for the old Stanley garage door motor that was lifting the door for the last twenty seven years.